The Evolving Cyprus Corporate Tax Landscape

Cyprus has long enjoyed a relatively stable fiscal environment, especially as far as the corporate tax regime is concerned. Changes to the tax code have traditionally been scarce and far between. Changes are however afoot mostly as a result of international developments. In this newsletter, we examine some of the recent changes and also discuss what possibly lies ahead.

Competition Clearance in Cyprus – a quick summary

Under Cyprus law, transactions such as mergers and acquisitions resulting in concentrations of major importance which meet the threshold prescribed under the Control of Concentrations Between Undertaking Law 83(I)/2014 (the “Law”) may have to be notified to the Cyprus Commission for the Protection of Competition (“CPC”).

Major overhaul of the Cypriot legal system

There are a number of monumental (as far as the Cypriot legal system is concerned) changes afoot in relation to the modus operandi of the courts in Cyprus, with most of them coming into effect in the coming year. These sorely needed changes, some of which are remedies for longstanding ills, are meant to usher the Cypriot legal system into a new age of speedy, effective justice and ultimately enhance Cyprus’ reputation as a regional business centre.

The growing problem of mental health

Mental health has been at the forefront of discussions around the world for a while now, particularly because, according to the World Health Organisation, mental health conditions are on the rise, with possible contributing factors being the increasing use of social media and the COVID-19 pandemic.