New EU Directive on improving the gender balance among directors of listed companies and related measures (EU 2022/238): Women on Boards of Listed Companies

Cyprus enhanced its position in gender equality (there has been an increase in women actively involved in politics), having of course considerable room for improvement while laying solid foundations at a socio-political level. A National Action Plan on Gender Equality 2019 – 2023 has been adopted setting various measures aiming the promotion of equal participation in decision-making.

Navigating EU sanctions – overview and predictions for 2023

As the EU sanctions continue to develop and expand, this recent article contributed by our associate Nicolas Makrides presents an overview of the existing regime in place and provides perspectives for some of the future challenges that different stakeholders may be facing up ahead.

The Evolving Cyprus Corporate Tax Landscape

Cyprus has long enjoyed a relatively stable fiscal environment, especially as far as the corporate tax regime is concerned. Changes to the tax code have traditionally been scarce and far between. Changes are however afoot mostly as a result of international developments. In this newsletter, we examine some of the recent changes and also discuss what possibly lies ahead.

Competition Clearance in Cyprus – a quick summary

Under Cyprus law, transactions such as mergers and acquisitions resulting in concentrations of major importance which meet the threshold prescribed under the Control of Concentrations Between Undertaking Law 83(I)/2014 (the “Law”) may have to be notified to the Cyprus Commission for the Protection of Competition (“CPC”).